| 1.6 Friday. Villar de Barrio to Xunquiera de Ambia, no no. to Ourense!! We set off late after a good nights sleep in a half empty albergue, the first part includes walking through typical small farm lands but along some very flat straight tracks. Oak trees and birch are common with yellow broom and gorse in flower. We do see large numbers of horeos designed to keep out thr rats from the maise stores. On spite of starting at 7am we are still there (only 15km or so) by 10.30. It is too early. Betsy after considerable thought agrees that Ourense (about another 20km) is feasable with a forecast that includes cloud. Alas it is not so the day turns first into a dodge the lorry game in small country lanes (we never do find were the empties are going) and then into a pub crawl through the suburbs of Ourense from bar to bar (about every 2km) until finally we haul ourselves up the hill to the albergue behind the cathedral at gone 4pm. The need to keep cool walking in 35-40degC heat keeps driving us inside (one even switched on the aircon we looked so hot) in another we got some bits of home made cured sausage with the beer, from as Betsy said a contented pig, excellent. Ourense is a typical large spanish city and with some difficulty we find the very hot thermal springs near the market (just closing). To tired for more going to bed.