_Thumbnail.JPG) | 28.06.08 Saturday.
Chateau le Verdoyer near St Saud Lacoussiere to Brantome.
For those waiting avidly for the next instalment in the chateau; sorry. We looked at the map and felt that the 28ish miles to follow the GR436 to Champangac de Belair was a bit too far for the day. So we left the campsite at the chateau run by Kawan, one of the big Eurocamp type companies, with a distinct Dutch bias on this site, at about 0700. After a short walk to Champs-Romain started to drop off the limestone intothe valley of the Dronne river, thus giving rise to the song of the day (de do dronne drone drone de do drone drone), sorry! After losing height (nearly 250m) sorry it's all we had to lose into St Pardoux le Riviere to pick up lunch, and we then walked mainly roads direct along the Dronne valley to Brantome passing through Champagnac del Belair (where we ate our lunch and bought some beer) and our intended destination and over a wooded hill early afternoon to drop down to the Municipal site on the out skirts of Brantome, where hopefully we will meet Geoff tomorrow afternoon. This is a great little town (built on an island in the middle of the river, served by 4 main bridges as well as some other which I am sure we haven't found) if very touristy there is a huge old abbey where a wedding was taking place and lots of useless (to us) shops. On arrival we settled into a corner of the site near the river to be greeted by a horde of hungry baby mallards watched over by their mother they attempted to persuade us to feed them. They returned for there feed after we returned with our meal from shopping in town and ate at least half of the baguette we had bought along with the most expensive but very good cheese we have had.