_Thumbnail.JPG) | 01.07.08.Tuesday.
Lisle to Saint Astier.
A good day about 14 miles between 0700 and 1200 (including a welcome coffee in Mensignac) then it was too hot again. Even Geoff the lizard is perspiring somewhat. Good municipal campsite on the banks of the Isle river a tributary of De do Dronne Dronne, despite the campsite swimming pool being out of order. Usual buzzards around and several flat snakes on the road. Arrived in St Astier at the height of a blazing noon and were surprised to see a significant proportion of the population pregnant! We mostly believe this to be statistical freak as later population studies did not bear out initial impressions, but theories as to reasons for this phenomenon were rife initially. GF adds; chances of seeing six consecutive pregnant women are very low (p<0.0002) so I assumed this town was twinned with Midwich (Village of the Damned for you film-buffs). Didn’t see any pregnancy test kits for sale in the supermarche. Certainly has warmed up somewhat so we have been rising at dawn to walk as far as possible in the morning before it is simply too hot to continue. Lunch by the river was good, the air thick with insects but we were treated to croaking display from the frogs and a display resembling a quiditch match from the swallows.