| 17.5 Thursday. Aldeanueva del Camino to La Calzada de Bejar. Having marched into the valley and gained height yesterday to 500+m, so we know that today we have to go over the pass at the end. This is 870m and the end of Extremadura, we see the Guarda Civilia turn their car in the petrol station on top, presumably the end of their beat. We are now in Castille y Leon. The temperature drops to comfortable levels as we climb through Banos de Montmayor a little spa town based on springs flowing out of the side of this steep sided valley, these continue as we climb on the old roman road up to the pass. Up here we are in deciduous forest and green pastures that could be Derbyshire, chestnut trees and a deciduous oak species dominate it is cool and pleasant walking along the drove route of the Via Pecuaria. We descend quite steeply to the bridge over the Rio Cuerpo de Hombre and up a little to the Alburgue Alba-Soraya on the col at La Calzada de Behar. As we arrive a troup of maybe the Spanish equivalent of the Territorial Army marches down towards us all in khaki and fully armed (with Hi Vis jackets to front and rear). This little albergue is run by Manuela and Juan Maxi and named for their children and is very welcoming. The weather is windier and cooler today even allowing for the elevation of nearly 800m and sitting outside Betsy thinks she may need a pullover but it is a very pleasant relief from the heat. 23km a bit over 5hours and 500m of ascent.