To be a Pilgrim!

by Administrator 7. May 2008 20:47


Well what a day got up with dawn , eat muesli, and walked down into Worcester, into cathedral where a pleasant visitor guide showed me the exhibit in the crypt of the pilgrims boots and staff with an account of his discovery and the site of his reinterment after the archeology was done.

PICT0003 His boots!

I then wandered over to the cathedral office to get the pilgrim passport stamped, they were expecting me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  They proceeded to tell me all about the blessing from the Dean, when they got to the press coverage I had to own up, I think you have the wrong pilgrim, and so it proved . A very pleasant chap called Gareth Thomas is walking the Camino for many reasons including “Whizz-kids charity” and to take a replica of the Pilgrims staff to Santiago , still I got to join the blessing though I slid away before the press call. He later caught me up and walked the legs off me while imparting much useful information. I also got from the Dean provided Katherine Lack provided Gareths staff and did much research on the pilgrim  thanks very much a blessed scallop shell (the emblem of the Pilgrims of St James.

I staggered on down the river arriving in Upton on Severn about1700hrs to find the town gearing up for a folk festival, Fish and chips and a pint of liquid pain killer later I slipped off down the river to camp miles from nowhere in my little home.


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