| 12.5 Saturday. Valdesalor to Casar de Caceres. The rest in the afternoon was better than the sleep at night, although we are grateful to the village of Valdesalor for the free lodging in the football ground. But we are up and walking by 0630 and cover quite a lot of ground mostly on the Via Pecuaria until we reach Caceres at about 0900. More hoopoes, storks, and kites, on the way and as we enter Caceres a Ermita with at least 14 storks in various nests. In Caceres we bid farewell to Joe, he has a geass, his friend, a catholic priest from Gibralter, is joining there him for a fortnight to walk the Camino, he is according to Joe unfit and significantly overweight. Joe is determined to improve both these but is worried that he may break him on one of the toughest stretches of the Via de la Plata that lies ahead of us all. We have promised to keep in touch and may yet meet again strange things happen On Camino, some of them involve buses! We spot some strange statuary as we bid farewell Joe a font of knowledge explains the Klan member is a hooded penitent whose sin is bad enough or he is important enough for anonymity to be allowed in his penitence. We move swiftly out of Caceres, another roman town with, we are told some interesting points but after the heat yesterday we are in no mood for extra romin'. A few km of asphalt is our penance but about halfway to Casar de C we are released on to the old dirt track at the side and make all haste to get there and out of the sun which has appeared from behind thin clouds and is fast becoming a ball of fierey torment. Today is not too bad and we gain shelter in Casar in the bar opposite the free municipal alburgue, which also does a good 9euro menu de dia. 24km 5hrs It does get tougher than this!