6.05 Monday Pavia to Santa Christina. Under the Accacia trees!

27km flat
We are quickly out in fields from the edge of Pavia and start the long slightly tedious day. Coffee and beer appear at expected intervals feet are placed one in front of other. St Leonardo provides great cappucini. In spite of the Italian reputation in this respect not all are good.
The day continues with failure to enter the church in San Giacomo Della Cerreta which is supposed to have good frescoes, and a long walk around a large quarry.
However Belgioioso, Ray can even pronounce it, is good with some great tapas with the beer from our oriental hosts. It is strange that a surprisingly high proportion of cafe proprietors in this area seem Vietnamese or similar. The town has a good castle with castellations and a drawbridge. The bank frequented by Betsy and Ray is also unusual.
The Tolkienesque Torre de Negre has a sort of Baradur tower but it is alas a modern utility.
We finally cross the Torrente Olona and weave our way across more fields of Acacia in full bloom which has been a feature for several days.
Our lodging tonight is in the hall adjacent to the church. A fair is setting up outside shortly after we arrive!

Link to where we are on Google Maps