by Administrator
16. May 2008 17:48
We are now in the sailing vessel Teaser having transferred our kit and gone for a walk round Weymouth. Trevor managed to borrow this boat from a friend.
His web site As you can see a pretty gloomy day in Weymouth. Though speeds of over 6 knots were achieved in both boats. So setting off at 05:00 tomorrow should see us there in Cherbourg well before dark.
by Administrator
16. May 2008 10:54
We have now returned to Portland harbour and seen the boat lifted out of the water and unloaded our gear. Skipper Trevor has managed to beg borrow or steal another boat and he and Arthur have gone off to the middle of the channel to fetch it. We are in the Cafe at Aqua Hotel Dive Dorset, been here before diving.
We shall spend tonight in Weymouth aboard the new boat and try again tomorrow.
by Administrator
16. May 2008 10:43
A pleasant amble without rucksacs into Weymouth to find the boat in the harbour and have some lunch, meet with Betsy, and set up tents for us and the gallant crew of the sailing vessel Sapho in Pebble Bank campsite. A pleasant little field above the bank of Chesil beach and Fleet Lagoon (along which we walked to get into Weymouth).

A gentle day and at last a chance for the shin to sort its self out. Little did we know that a longer rest was in the near future.