18.05 Saturday. Caniparola to Massa. An unplanned stop.

Some km flat lots more by train.
We leave the hostel about 7.30 and progree across the flat lands of sub urban Liguria, we left Tuscany for a few days yesterday. There is little of interest along the banks of the Canale Lunense, except some olive oil butts in an olive grove and Tim is struggling. It gradually becomes apparent that a very slight stroke is in progress! Symptoms remain minimal but make rucksack carrying difficult. At a coffee stop Tim decides he should go home before the team heads back into the Tuscan hinterland far from help. The team agree this is an uncharacteristically sensible thing for him to do. The station for a train to Pisa is only 500m away a flight back to Bristol is booked for Sunday with easyJet, he should be home tomorrow evening. We spot a huge marble quarry up in the hills from the trains later find out where most of it went. The whole team have an unexpected day visiting the leaning tower of Pisa and cathedral before leaving Tim in a small hotel next to the station. The internet is wonderful when you know how to use it! The blog goes on posts should be done by Ray on Betsy’s phone.

Link to where we are on Google Maps