Massa to Camaiore 29k And then we’re three.

A wet night continues into a wet morning and we set off. Almost immediately we head up hill to the castle and weave our way between the cloud laden mountains and the coastal plains.
Eventually we get a panoramic view of the sea and the end of the Cinque Terre peninsula.
After a second coffee we continue onwards. If you want to know where Italian marble worktops come from, we can tell you, we passed by yards with huge lumps of Carrara marble and gantry cranes to lift them.
Pietrasanta looked nothing special as we huddled under the town hall roof overhang to eat our lunch, but later we discover one of the prettiest squares in Northern Italy with ancient churches and town gates.
The weather improves throughout the afternoon and the hedges smell of orange blossom.
We meet up with our multinational friends including the reappearing Aussies at the municipal hostel overlooking the graveyard.

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