Spoil heaps and Poo heaps

Tomorrow we should camp in Divion. But distances are awkward as we want to be in Arras by Friday. So today started in a small village called Amettes and progressed across some very wet paths over fields.
It rained last night a significant thunderstorm from 2till 5 producing a wet tent for Ray and Ann but not for others. It was a lot of rain! But the day dawned fine and cool and we were on our way in good time. After crossing wet fields adjustment of route occurred and we stuck to tarmacfor the rest of the walk back to the campsite.
Of note on the way were a small swarm of bees who must have got a bit wet last night and several large piles of poo which loomed through the early mists.
Later we passed through an old mining village with a few remnants of it’s past such as the large spoil heep.
An old cafe The Green Dragon provides coffee and the landladies handbag dog was keen for a walk when we left. But only across the front.
We passed back to Rebeques close to Mametz the woods of which were the subject of a bitter battle of WW1 portrayed by Paul Nash and in poetry by Siegfried Sassoon. The Welsh Fusiliers lost a lot of men.
It is just getting hot as wet arrive back at camp. There may be more storms on the way

Link to where we are on Google Maps