30.05.18 In the steps of St Bênoit Labry.

An early start with a ride courtesy Jane and the Astra back to Amettes. However fate has other plans, the car does not start, possible battery abuse with too much phone charging. Phone calls to insurance rescue cover produce a promise of help. Tim spots a fellow early riser and Betsy talks to him a set of jump leads and car appears and the Astra is sparked into life. Les cables demarrage, should you ever need to know.
We are taken via a boulongerie to Amettes wherever we confusingly started yesterday. After a brief visit to the birthplace of St Bênoit Labry a patron saint of pilgrims and it’s stations of the cross the by now familiar fields of barley and flax and potatoes ensue. A few spoil heaps in the distance speak of a mining area and soon we pass through the edge of Divion which was a town built for the miners. Streets laid out on a grid plan are lettered, but more recent local government renamed them after French writers. A rather odd roundabout with a stranded boat is passed.
Just down the hill is a campsite, it seems deserted until Betsy finds a bell and genie appears and removes money from us but leads us to a pleasant enough emplacement where the weather improves and Jane and Ann soon arrive.
After lunch we do a little more on a splitter with the car along the Roman road named for Brunhaut a nun dragged by a horse as a death penalty.
We manage to shave another 10km off tomorrow giving a daily ttal of 22km.

Link to where we are on Google Maps