Of Mosquitoes and Raspberries. Laon to Aizelles.25km

An early start is indicated as we have about 25km to do. It rained in the night and the tents are wet we have heavy packs with food as there appears no shop in the village at our next campsite. On the plus side the day starts cool and cloudy with no rain till later.
After a brief bit along roads round the hill of Laon we plunge into a wood. The track is interesting, muddy puddles in big holes and much wet foliage. But worse are the plague of mosquitos. Walking fast and slapping as you go means rapid progress though hard work for those with a pole in each hand! Eventually we emerge into a little village and stop to catch our breath relatively unmolested.
A café in Brugeres provides two rounds of good large café au lait that seems needed after which we fairly zing along for a few km. Lunch is in Arancy beside the old church where overhanging raspberries provide a welcome addition to the pilgrim diet We go off piste for the last 5-6 km across woods and fields in heat again relieved by a fountain (eau non potable) untilwe emerge in Azielles next to the camping a la ferme Tony has been heading for. Congratulations on a great bit of route finding.
Reviews of this camping were a bit iffy. The sanitaries are interesting, handles for the shower cubicles are obtained from the office and are the only way to open the doors as should be obvious the system works in both directions and transfer of the handle to the inside should be performed before closing the door. Ray failed to follow this simple procedure and had to yell for release! It is a very quiet peaceful site

Link to where we are on Google Maps