Jane's Blog

An Everyday Story of Country Folk!

Run with Torches

What a busy 24 hours! Last night the Brownies went to the 60s and made flowers and headbands to put them on. Although we had only 8 Brownies, they made quite enough noise for the full 14. With all the windows open to make the most of the warm sunshine (at last) I felt sorry for the people next door. The noise limiter in the hall doesn't seem to react to Brownie squeals, alas!
5 Guides turned up and spent the evening finding out about Guides, and playing games, finishing with a very rowdy "Tie me Kangaroo down" which they really liked. They are very keen to camp and get badges, so I think we are going to get along OK. Just hope they all come back next week. Maybe they will tell their friends.
This morning, I took Ann and Sue down to Shepton to watch James carry the Olympic Torch. There was a good crowd, and a wonderful atmosphere. I got some half decent photos, as he ran, and then later when we all went back to the local pub to wait for him to come home. Christine made him a beautiful cake - decorated with the Union Flag in raspberries and blueberries.

Got back to the Sports group to find them hanging bunting in the Village Hall for the Jubilee. We then spent our usual hour and a half running round the hall doing silly things.  
And I still have the Parish Meeting this evening to go. Think there may be an element of anti climax!





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