
30.06.14 Monday Barro to Ribadesela.
The morning surge of energy and speed is a bit limited by photo ops today ss some nice reflections of a church and village catch everyones eye. A shrine to St Roche prompts Ray to ask why in different bits of statuary dotted across the landscape he is not consistent in the leg (left or right) or even the thigh or shin for his plague induced sore. One of his stories is being fed by a all dog while recovering from plague. On recieving no adequate response Ray labels him a hypochondriac or even a lead swinger. He is demoted in our personal pantheon.

The day progresses scross the 10-20 wide shelf og farmland between the sea and the start of the Picos. The first of these rise to about 500m hiding mostly the still snowy peaks behind. We pass an albergue with a distance to Santiago 405 km a reminder of only 3 more weeks to go.
A ruined monastry is atmospheric with back lit early sun and a large wall piece of ceramic tiles catch the eye.
We get to Ribadesela in time for a good 10 euro lunch and cross the modern bridge to the campsite which in contrast to last night is virtually deserted.

A bit more than expected 27km not a lot of up and down.