5.07.14 Saturday Aviles to Aronces.
The pension was quiet all slept well and we slid out of Aviles, which turned out to have a lovely old part with many Roman style old spanish colmns as walkways very similar to Chester and probably a similar age. We get a good breakfast with lots of fresh orange juice and toasted croissants in Le Biblioteca and start out through suburbs with a last lingering view of the industrial complex. And across not very exciting countryside with an advert for an albergue mentioning breakfast and hot skewers. We are still unsure if this was a hangover from the Inquisitio or a translation error. We were then advised independentlyby two people thst thw the route ahead was impossible and so stuck to the main road others who went that way got to Soto el Barca before us, an encounter with an open bar on the col on the main road may have been responsible. A good lunch at 6 € each and we are across the bridge and up to Muros where Betsy and Tony about half a km ahead,went the sensible route to the campsite and Tim at first heading for a totally different site leads Ray and Geof through vertical eucalyptus forest and someone’s back garden to eventually arrive at a nice site. Well before the cold front bringing rain to this north coast.
27 km and a bit of up and down