12.07.14 Saturday. San Xusto de Cabarcos to Abadin.
We are fairly snug in the little donativo alburgue. The young ladies from Madrid are very quiet. We hope we repay that first thing in the morning when we are away before 7am. Through lots of ecalyptus forest mixed with chestnut and occasional pine.
We go through Villanova (Lourenza) a nondescript small town but it does have an open bar for breakfast and a monastry, closed. A hill and more roads and tracks some of which have had heavy forestry vehicles along (thankfully it is dry) we arrive in Montenedo, a cathedral town of significant age 13th C. The cathedral apart from a feeling of age is not very special though Betsy asks and is shown the wood carving on the choir stalls and miserichords. A interst she has cultivated since seeing some particularly fine ones in a church at Enville near home. We also manage more food as we now head off up or biggest ascent since the Pyrenees about 400m plus steadily up to A Xesta where we finally descend a little to the town of Abadin where the first Alburge is full! A little further and we get a small pension with rooms and they are still doing the daily menu.
We then collapse after 30km and 1300m of up and not as much down