28.05.14 Wednesday. Montreal to Eause.
A good night sleep for all including the 3 frenchmen sharing our dormitory we hope. General opinion was we were marginally ahead on the ronflement. We are on the road at 8.15 down the zig zag path at the back of the church. The paths are drying afyer no rain in the night and the walking is easy compared with the last few days. A disused railway track and we are cruising after zig zaging again though rows of vines scattered across the fertile countryside. We heard no cuckoo yesterday and only one in the distance today. With the end of May the old rhyme seems to be correct. However we have heard occasional hoppoes poop pooping away. We arrive in Eause via the flood exit from the campsite it seems a bit deserted but there is more or less hot water in the toilet block so we make or selves at home after an easy three and a half hours walk.Tony takes his new soap bought by Ray and Tim two days ago to the toilet block for a shower, remarks about exfoliation and bits of stuff in the soap are largely ignored, he needed soap it was the only single bar available the rest were triple packs and not to be carried or two thrown away. He will be really clean for the next 400km.
Some serious planning for stops and food over the next two days takes place and we are of to find out what the centre of Eause is like.
Quite nice, though may be not up to the claims on the sign on the railway track into town. It starts to rain there is a bar at hand in a 15th C building previously owned by Jeanne d’ Albrecht we may find out who she was later. The Leclerc supermarche on the way back alows us to spend more time indoors and we get back to our tents laden with food for the next two days. The campsite is nomonally open, painting and cleaning are in progress we wonder if anyone will bother to come out in the rain to collect our euros. Clothes are festoonef about our small tents and cooking tonight will be in the toilet block. Tim’s lamb and two beans with the rosemary pickef yestetday from outside the church in Montreal.
16km 300 m up and down